Why subscribe?

Because Twitter is a fascist hellhole now and Libbie is migrating all her fun thoughts about writing, AI, and the esotericism of the internet to Substack, where Incompetent Apartheid Nepobaby Elon Musk can’t touch it.

Sorry in advance

for the stoned ramblings and ridiculous memes that are about to land in your inbox.

Don’t give me money here

Substack made me set up parameters for paid options but if you want to support my work, I’d prefer it if you’d just buy my books instead—especially The Prophet’s Wife, which is the best book I’ve written so far, and yet it’s being ruthlessly ignored by the publishing world. Save those subscription dollars for Substack writers who aren’t already financially stable from the words they make, and instead of paying for my Substack, if you like it you can just tell your friends to follow it, too! Thank you for being here! xoxo -Lib

Subscribe to Selfie on the Edge of Forever

Storyteller Libbie Grant muses on art and creativity, the publishing world, futurism, consciousness, the occult, AI, weird stuff, and whatever else catches her attention.


The best writer you’ve never read.